Shirley became a client of ours at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though we haven’t met in person, we’ve been able to give Shirley the reassurance she needs to fully retire and spend her hard-earned money!
- Shirley Banks
- |Client Since: 2020
- |Transitioning
Shirley is a widow with two daughters who are both married with children. She is a radiographer and currently works one day a week.
Why did you need financial advice?
“I was working full-time until I retired at the end of April 2020. However, even though I don’t have any debts, I was concerned that I wouldn’t have enough income, which is why I went back to work one day a week.
I had three pensions from different private sector employers, and I didn’t know what I should do with them. Having received a lot of information from Pension Wise, I followed their recommendation to seek advice from an independent financial adviser.
Initially, I Googled ‘IFA in Liverpool’ and I liked what the Douglas White web page said about being family-run and local. I also saw that Chris had a top rating on VouchedFor.”
How did we help?
“I thought that my only option was to buy an annuity with my pension to have a regular income, but Chris advised me on the alternative options. I decided to put all three of the private pensions into one and drawdown an income from that.
I also intend to take the 25% tax-free amount from my pension so that I can replace my car in a year or two and have the garden landscaped. Prior to working with Chris, I would have been nervous about spending money on those things, but now I know I can afford to.
Chris has since advised me to sort out my will and Power of Attorney, to ensure that I will be able to pass on my wealth to my daughters.”
How have you benefited from financial advice?
“Pensions are complicated, and I had three of them to sort out. I really needed professional advice from someone who understands the market and could explain all the options to me.
Having worked with Chris, I’ve discovered that I don’t need to continue working to supplement my income. However, at this point in time, I’m really enjoying the social aspect of working, so I will continue to do one day a week for now.
I’m really pleased that we’ve been able to sort all of this out using Zoom, telephone and email – there’s really not been any need to meet in person at all.
Chris is a great guy who is easy to talk to and have a laugh. He’s very approachable and always does exactly what he says he’s going to do. I would definitely recommend him to my friends and family.”
“Chris is a great guy who is easy to talk to and have a laugh. He’s very approachable and always does exactly what he says he’s going to do. I would definitely recommend him to my friends and family.”Testimonial from Shirley
If you would like our help in simplifying your financial planning, please do get in touch for a no obligation consultation, at no cost to you.