
Jonathan met Chris through a mutual friend, Jonathan was newly engaged to Nicola and they wanted to buy a house together, getting their finances aligned was a priority for them.


  • Jonathan & Nicola Thomas
  • |Client Since: 2013
  • |Retirement

Jonathan met Chris through a mutual friend, Jonathan was newly engaged to Nicola and they wanted to buy a house together, getting their finances aligned was a priority for them.

Why did you need financial advice?

“I knew Chris through a mutual friend and we have started to develop a good personal friendship, Chris was in the early stages of growing his business, so it seemed a great time to start talking about how he could help us. Myself & Nicola had recently got engaged and we wanted to buy a house.

Chris gave really practical advice, easy steps for us to put into action, it seemed really sensible advice. If we’d not had Chris’ advice, we wouldn’t have the home we are in now”

How did we help?

“Chris spent time researching all our pensions, looking at ways of consolidating our existing pensions, and also protection for both of us.

We felt save in the knowledge that we were now investing directly into a collective investment account that feeds both ISA, and our collective retirement account with Chris”.

How have you benefited from financial advice?

“Working with Chris has been such a valuable experience for both of us, it’s great to deal with someone we call a friend. The work he has done for us has allowed Nicola to start her own business and we both feel strongly that we are achieving a better work / life balance.

Chris’s approach means it’s not just about money – it’s about what money can allow you to do and what money can allow us to stop doing!

Chris is very understanding, and our professional relationship is truly cemented now, we’d be confident to ask him for advice in any area of our financial plans, inheritance planning, savings, investments, we know he will provide solid, practical advice and have our best interests at heart.

We will always recommend him to people who will benefit and recognise the value he can provide.”

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“Chris gave really practical advice, easy steps for us to put into action, it seemed really sensible advice. If we’d not had Chris’ advice, we wouldn’t have the home we are in now”
Testimonial from Jonathan
Get in touch to see how we can help you

If you would like our help in simplifying your financial planning, please do get in touch for a no obligation consultation, at no cost to you.

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