We are completely independent which means that we’re not constrained by financial product providers. This enables us to find the right financial solutions to meet your goals.
Douglas White Financial Planning is a trading style of Douglas White Limited. Douglas White Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Registration Number 710323.
You can find our listing on the FCA register by clicking here. (https://register.fca.org.uk/s/firm?id=001b000000sCn0BAAS)
Face to face meetings are generally held at our office in Liverpool or at the office of Heritage Accountancy in Prudhoe. Where necessary, we can arrange other meeting venues such as your workplace or home.
We are also very comfortable to hold meetings with prospective and existing clients via video calls such as Zoom, Teams etc.
At our Liverpool office there is a number of parking spaces right in front of the building (Mersey House) . If these are all taken, there is a large carpark behind the building but still on The Matchworks site.
When using Heritage Accountancy’s office in Prudhoe, most people use the Co-op car park which is only a short walk away.
There is no cost for an initial meeting and, importantly, there is no obligation to take on our services.
Absolutely not (and there won’t be any ‘sign up today and get a discount’ silliness either).
Once we have developed an overview of your requirements and discussed a high level plan with you, you will also be given a very clear indication of the costs. At this point you broadly have three options:
If we are what you are looking for and you would like to work with us going forward, then you can say ‘Yes’.
If you feel that what we do or how we do it is not for you, then please say ‘No’. We will shake your hand and wish you well. This does not stop you coming back to us in the future.
You may feel that we ‘might’ be who you want to work with but you just want some time to think about things. Take your time, discuss things with your partner, friends and/or family, and let us know if you have any further queries. When the time is right, let us know.
The first meeting is generally a ‘get to know you’ session but we will discuss your personal details and existing financial planning. If you have any existing policies, for example pensions, investments or protection products, bringing a recent statement can be helpful, but not essential.
Most people have a very good understanding of their income and the various savings they may have, however, they are less accurate when first asked about their normal expenditure. We would encourage you to give this some thought prior to an initial meeting.
First meetings are generally between 1.5 and 2 hours.
You can contact us via the website or by telephone. Following a brief initial discussion we can get a meeting booked into the diary.
No, we are not authorised to provide advice on DB pension transfers however, where necessary, we can introduce you to a Pension Transfer Specialist who can provide the relevant advice.
Please see our charges page for a full explanation of our charges.
Please see our charges page for a full explanation of our charges.
Since December 2012, commission has been banned on pension and investment advice. It is possible for us to be remunerated by commission for protection advice but we will give you the choice to either pay us directly or for us to be paid by commission.
At this time, the majority of our business income is not liable for VAT.